Recently, Guangxi would plan to launch the dining and retail consumption voucher distribution activities themed with “Guangxi Consumption Promotion during the Holiday of ‘Sanyuesan Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Group’”. Starting from March 28, retail and dining consumption vouchers will be regularly distributed to consumers.
During the activities, each consumer can claim a "Dining Consumption Voucher Pack" in the special activity section of the UnionPay App, with each pack containing three vouchers. The on-site dining consumption vouchers can be used at designated dining merchants accepting UnionPay payment, where the payment code is presented for payment. The consumption vouchers for ordering through WeChat mini programs can be used upon completing an order via the merchant's WeChat mini program and paying with UnionPay. Both types of consumption voucher packs are limited to one pack per consumer per week (can be claimed separately in the special activity section of the UnionPay App), with a total limit of four packs per type of voucher pack during the activity period. The "Retail Consumption Voucher Pack" contains four vouchers per pack, with the same claiming and usage limits as the dining consumption vouchers.