◆ Economic contribution rewards. Logistics enterprises above designated scale in the national economic industry will be rewarded with 20%, 25% and 30% of the value of their new contributions to the local economy, respectively according to the value of their new contributions which reaches 500,000 yuan, 1 million yuan, 1.5 million yuan and above to the local economy in the current year. For logistics enterprises above designated scale with annual main business income (or annual output value) reaches 30 million yuan or more, 50% of the value of their current year's economic contributions to Nanning City will be rewarded.
◆ Rewards for opening international freight routes. For the newly-opened international freight routes to the countries (regions) along the "Belt and Road", the flying operation companies or companies that charter the flights on these routes will be given a reward of 2 million yuan, and within two years from the date of opening, a subsidy of no more than 100,000 yuan/flight (round-trip) will be given.