Recently, Nanning Municipal Natural Resources Bureau issued "The Detailed Plan and Urban Design of Unit LD-02 (Langxi) in Langdong Area of Nanning Central Urban Area", and proposed to adjust the land use planning of some plots in this area and continuously improve its infrastructure facility.
It is learned that the scope of the specific land for this maintained plot is a plot in the west of Zhuxi Avenue and north and south sides of Jinchun Road. It is planned to adjust the 01-72 plot in the west of Zhuxi Avenue and north of Jinchun Road from primary school land to junior high school land, and the 03-37 plot in the west of Zhuxi Avenue and south of Jinchun Road from administrative office land and park green space to urban residential land. The planned adjustment of primary and secondary school land is adjacent to San Mei School, and the newly-added educational land will effectively alleviate the land shortage problem in the area. The newly-added urban residential land will further improve the living environment of the area and enhance the quality of living.